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Matt Kelly
Position: Staff reporter

Keystone habits: How to be at your best

What did you do this morning when you got up? What will you do today? Throughout the day, it may seem like you are making well-considered choices, but it’s likely you are often op...

What it takes to make a living wage

Do you recognize these numbers: $8.31 and $12.79? I didn’t either, until I sat down with Maureen Maliszewski, director of Thrive La Plata County. The minimum wage in Colorado is $...

Affluenza: Cure yourself of this modern disease

Consumer marketing and advertising work. In the United States, they have driven household consumption to 70 percent of all spending, a record. The long-term, rampant trend of over...

Money not key to a meaningful life

Well, it’s not true. Money can buy happiness. What it can’t buy is a meaningful, fulfilling life. In our consumer economy, there’s always something new to buy that will make us ha...

Success lies outside your comfort zone

Think about a leap forward you made in your life. Did it happen when you were at ease and comfortable? Probably not. To make that leap, I bet you had to step out of your comfort z...

News flash: We aren’t good with money

Humans are not wired to handle money well. Hardly a surprise, right? Maybe you’re thinking about that last impulse purchase or the budget that needs some work. Why do we have so m...

Overwhelmed? For change, you should focus on the present

Sometimes, getting your finances in order can seem like an impossible task. Recently, I was talking with friend about money, and he asked a great question: “How do I prevent getti...

While at work, make play part of every day

The opposite of play is not work. The opposite of play is depression. In fact, play is a crucial ingredient to success at work, says Dr. Stuart Brown, author of Play: How it Shape...

Plan wisely for remarkable moments

Fill in the blank: Your best _______ ever! What did you say? Was is it vacation, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah or a long-dreamed-of adventure? There is no right ans...

Your journey to financial security

Every journey is a series of actions taking you to your destination. This is especially true of the journey to financial security – a path that includes many waypoints. Last month...

Final destination financial security: Where are you on your journey?

Do you have $500 to handle a minor emergency? Most people don’t. A Money Pulse survey found 62 percent of Americans cannot cover a $500 unexpected expense. This level of financial...

Put profits first, then watch business grow

How healthy is your business? I’m not asking how big your business is or how much revenue it’s generating or how many employees you have. You know, those typical measures of succe...